Constant heartburn? Fenfiber can help!

Fenfiber Plant-Based Relief for Heartburn and Gerd Symptoms

What our customers think

Scott B

Ontario Canada

I've had GERD bad for around 5 years....
It's been a nightmare. I've tried everything. All sorts of doctors both natural and traditional (10+). The amount of supplements would be over $8,000. I've also tried gluten free and organic food only but this is really working. I can't really believe it. Not sure what to say but
it can't be just the fiber. I've tried tons of fiber just not this type. I might try fenugreek along with this. Awesome!

Barry V

Saskatchewan, Canada

This stuff has been a life saver for me the last 4 or 5 months dealing with heartburn or should I saw eliminating heartburn. Didn't realize it reduces cholesterol as well. 

Tara A

Saskatchewan, Canada

Tomorrow will be one month and I am still off my GERD medication and I feel great! I have been on that medication for 15 years and every time I tried to go off the rebound heartburn was so brutal I had to go back on. I have never had anything like FenFiber which is healing my gut! I have been recommending your product to my friends who struggle with chronic heartburn!!

Rob T

Saskatchewan, Canada

It has helped me tremendously with my acid reflux. I’m now going on 6 weeks without taking my 2 prescription meds that I was on. And I usually only need to take 2 Fenfiber capsules in the morning before breakfast and I seem to be symptom free throughout the day. Thanks again for helping with this change in lifestyle for me. You’ve earned a customer.

Garry F

Winnipeg, Canada

If you have heartburn get this. Over the past several months I have been suffering with GERD. This product dramatically helped reduce my heartburn so I could at least get a good night sleep. If you suffer from heartburn please take my advice and try a bottle. This product is so reasonably priced it’s worth a chance to get some life back.

Scientifically Proven

In a double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial, fenugreek fiber was compared to a commonly used OTC antacid in 45 subjects suffering from frequent heartburn. Fenugreek fiber decreased the frequency of heartburn significantly and was more effective than a placebo and just as effective as the positive control.
Anti-heartburn effects fenugreek fiber, R. DiSilversto

Recommended Intake

Everyone is different and it may take some time to determine the best way to take FenFiber to tackle your heartburn. We recommend that you start by taking 2-3 capsules in the morning and at night. If your symptoms persists try taking 2-3 capsules 10 minutes before each meal or when you feel heartburn is coming. If you have any questions or need help with your dosage, please feel free to contact us as we are always happy to assist. 

100%  Premium Quality

FenFiber is made in a Health Canada licensed facility with premium fenugreek seeds that are 100% Grown in Canada to ensure that our product is of the highest quality.